everyteen’s summerdance | Contemporary 13-19 Jahre mit Luisa | Mo.-Fr., 18:15-19:15 Uhr

Luisa Heilbron started dancing in 2001 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She started her dance bachelor’s studies in 2013 in Angel Vianna Escola e Faculdade de Dança. In 2014 she moved to New York City, after receiving a scholarship, to attend „The American Musical and Dramatic Academy“, where she graduated in 2016. In 2017 she moved to Salzburg, Austria, to attend SEAD where she graduated with Distinction in 2021 with a major degree in Dance and Choreography. In 2021 she started her master’s in dance study at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, in Belgium. Since 2017, Luisa has performed in pieces by choreographers such as Flavia Tapias and Jan Lauwers as well as performing her creations in festivals in Brazil and Salzburg. In January 2022 she joined BODHI PROJECT dance company.

Step into a dynamic space where openness meets precision, and technique fuels innovation. This contemporary dance class is designed to challenge you, pushing the limits of your comfort zone while emphasizing efficiency in movement. Through structured exercises and improvisational tasks, you’ll explore new dimensions of your artistic individuality. Expect to engage deeply with the fundamentals, refine your skills, and discover unique ways to express your creative voice.

Workshop-Woche (19. – 23. August)

  1. Workshop: Eine Stunde täglich von Montag bis Freitag für 65 Euro.
  2. Single Class: 16 Euro

Offen für alle Niveaus.

Bei Buchung von 2 Workshops pro Woche 5% Ermäßigung auf die Kursgebühr.
Um eine Einzelklasse zu buchen, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an die Rezeption in Sead.

Damit der Workshop stattfinden kann, sind mindestens 6 Teilnehmer erforderlich.  Bitte lesen Sie diese AGB – sead kurse sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie ein Workshop bestellen. 


16,00 65,00 

Kurs Kurse Anzahl Rabatt-Typ
Rabatt bei zwei Kursen 2 - 10 5%
everyKid-Teen-Body 10-15% 2 10%
everyKid-Teen-Body 10-15% 3 15%


Luisa Heilbron started dancing in 2001 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She started her dance bachelor’s studies in 2013 in Angel Vianna Escola e Faculdade de Dança. In 2014 she moved to New York City, after receiving a scholarship, to attend „The American Musical and Dramatic Academy“, where she graduated in 2016. In 2017 she moved to Salzburg, Austria, to attend SEAD where she graduated with Distinction in 2021 with a major degree in Dance and Choreography. In 2021 she started her master’s in dance study at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, in Belgium. Since 2017, Luisa has performed in pieces by choreographers such as Flavia Tapias and Jan Lauwers as well as performing her creations in festivals in Brazil and Salzburg. In January 2022 she joined BODHI PROJECT dance company.

Step into a dynamic space where openness meets precision, and technique fuels innovation. This contemporary dance class is designed to challenge you, pushing the limits of your comfort zone while emphasizing efficiency in movement. Through structured exercises and improvisational tasks, you’ll explore new dimensions of your artistic individuality. Expect to engage deeply with the fundamentals, refine your skills, and discover unique ways to express your creative voice.

Workshop-Woche (19. – 23. August)

  1. Workshop: Eine Stunde täglich von Montag bis Freitag für 65 Euro.
  2. Single Class: 16 Euro

Offen für alle Niveaus.

Bei Buchung von 2 Workshops pro Woche 5% Ermäßigung auf die Kursgebühr.
Um eine Einzelklasse zu buchen, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an die Rezeption in Sead.

Damit der Workshop stattfinden kann, sind mindestens 6 Teilnehmer erforderlich.  Bitte lesen Sie diese AGB – sead kurse sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie ein Workshop bestellen. 


Zusätzliche Informationen


1. Workshop 19. – 23. August 2024, 2. Singel Class