I would like to separate the class into smaller sections in order to make the most out of it. The classes will always change a little bit so that its not becoming monotone, but the base of it would remain the same so those who will attend can recognize what we already learned and then use it for later. We would start with a short improvisation with exciting tasks to get our bodies moving, to warm up a bit and so that everybody could get confident step by step in imrpovisation as well. Then what I find important is to learn a bit of floorwork and to start to use different qualities. Then to conclude the whole 90 minutes we had that day I’d like to bring in short sequenses to move around the space and to really start to dance.
ACHTUNG!: dieser Kurs beginnt erst am Do. 03.10.2024
Die Kurse finden an folgenden Tagen statt:
Winter-Semester: 3.10. / 12.10. / 19.10 / 9.11. / 16.11. / 23.11. / 30.11 / 7.12. /21.12. / 4.1. / 11.1 / 18.1 / 25.1. / 1.2. / 8.2.
Ermäßigungen:10% Ermäßigung auf die Kursgebühren für SN-Card-Besitzer*innen, S-Pass Besitzer*innen und Senior-card, sofern nicht schon andere Rabatte zum Tragen kommen. Unsere Rabattcodes können unter angefordert werden. Den Nachweis über die SN-Card/S-Pass und Senior-card bitte an die Email per Foto anhängen. Workshops sind von diesem Angebot ausgeschlossen.